Eharmony Commercial Come Find Me

Posted : admin On 5/25/2022

About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. When it comes to relationships, this man says that he'll take quality over quantity any day. It's also why he trusts eHarmony to find other single people to go on dates with. EHarmony claims that a member from its online dating website finds love nearly every 14 minutes and encourages viewers to try it out for free.

If you watch TV, read magazines or look at billboards, chances are pretty good you’ve seen Joshua and Tanyalee Pearson.

He’s handsome. She’s gorgeous. They look totally smitten with each other.

They’re literally a poster success story for, the site upon which they met and fell in love.

Monday when I chatted with Tanyalee inside her clothing boutique, Ability, in downtown Redding, she quickly recited the couple’s chronological history.

On Oct. 13, 2006 they spoke on the phone for the first time. Coincidentally it was the same day she opened her business.

On Oct. 21 Joshua flew from his home in Missouri to California to meet Tanyalee for three days. While here, he also met her family.

“He was the first guy my mom ever liked,” she said.

Apparently, Tanyalee liked him, too.

On Oct. 26 she flew to Missouri to see Joshua and meet his family.

On Oct. 30 he got down on his knees and proposed to Tanyalee.

She liked the question so much she asked if he’d please ask her again.

And again.

“He asked me three times in something like five minutes,” Tanyalee said.

“Of course I said yes every time.”

Come July 7 they will celebrate their second wedding anniversary.

They married in Chicago (where she has family), and they lived in Missouri for a while, while Joshua, who’s a chemist, worked on his education.

They’re back in Redding where they live.

Joshua teaches chemistry at Simpson College.

Eharmony Commercial 2015

And Tanyalee, who graduated at the top of her class at FIDM, an L.A. fashion school, and who worked as wardrobe stylist to the stars (oh, Tom Hanks, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan) – now does the same work in Redding at Ability, her appointment-only clothing boutique at 1416 Tehama Street. It’s an open, airy, artistic place adorned with the couple’s murals and paintings, and clothing displayed like gallery pieces.

(Prices: $40 per hour for personal shopping – both picking out clothes in advance and/or taking the client shopping. $350 for wardrobe consulting’s first three hours, then $50 per hour after that. Tanyalee said she averages about three to four hours in a client’s closet.)

In their spare time the couple decided to create, promote, publish, market and sell “your little guide” – a square, four-color glossy map printed on black paper that opens up to reveal local 57 local businesses. On your little guide’s back is a map of all the businesses. You might have seen stacks of the guides around Redding, where sometimes the booklets sell for $1, and other times businesses give them away. (The “your little guide” advertisers can buy the guides and then choose whether to sell or give them to customers.

Tanyalee credits her husband with the guide’s idea.

“He’d lived in Redding for a year and he said, ‘You know what – Redding is a really hard place to get around. We need a guide so people know where to find things.”


They’re now working on a “your little guide” for Chico.

Meanwhile, they remain an dream come true, which has given them lots of exposure on many commercials. Invariably, it begs a frequent question

Were they – are they – well-paid for all that exposure?

Tanyalee just laughs.

“You know how in small print it says, ‘These are not paid actors?’ – Well, they aren’t kidding,” she said. “Everyone’s like, ‘You must have made a killing!’ We didn’t get any money from eHarmony. Oh, they did buy an eHarmony ad in our guide. That’s it. But you know what? That’s OK. We have each other. That’s all we ever wanted.”

Ability is at 1416 Tehama St. in downtown Redding. To reach Tanyalee call 776.5151 or email her at

Click on the YouTubes below to see a variety of eHarmony commercials in which Tanyalee and Joshua were featured.

Here’s another eHarmony ad.

And another …

Click here to see another.

And click here to see another.

Finally, and click here for one more.

Eharmony commercial come find me free

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Many people use electronic services for the same reason they no longer use typewriters or quill pens. Efficiency. See ten to twenty photos and not have to even lick the olive in a singles bar.
Ofcourse one man posted his profile as Member Canadian Seal Pub Hunt. He married the woman who answered his post but of course she knew it was a put on.
Its still a hit and miss operation. Men look at photos first, women look at likes and dislikes first.
Then of course there is that novelist who met a man in Cleveland, a week later sent him an airline ticket to Florida and told him she would be at the airport hotel just so she wouldn't have to endure the twenty minute delay in his getting from the airport to her place.
Or The Divine Miss M who met a man in a Vegas bar, married him within two weeks at some wedding chappel and has been with him for decades.

Girls use dating sites because similar to guys it's unfortunately the best place to meet new people once you're out of school/college. Think about it... I work a 9-5, have AP, have a house and a dog, what time do I have to go out and meet someone 'at a bar' or at the grocery store? First, I don't want to meet my future wife at a bar, not that I would be against meeting someone at a bar anyways, but I don't have high hopes in my 30's for meeting a quality girl to marry at a bar. Not saying it's impossible, just improbable. Next, most women have definitely adapted the 'F YOU' tattoo on their forehead in public. I'm an in shape younger guy, but I swear if I even look at a girl in public she's instantly afraid I'm stalking her or going to rape her. Guys just can't talk to girls in public anymore (for the most part) due to women being terrified of every single guy. So online women feel safe because they can talk to you without you being physically present. Also, you get pictures, a bio, etc so you can learn a bit more about the person before ever meeting them (being physically vulnerable).
Not only that, but online dating is SKEWED very very much for women. Any kind of decent looking female will get a dozen new messages per day and essentially have her pick of the litter. Thus, online dating is PERFECT for the 'perfect' girl because she can pick and choose exactly who she wants to meet with exactly whatever amount of interaction/chatting before meeting she desires.
All that being said, I think online dating is pretty much a joke... This pick of the litter stuff commonly leads to the 'next shiny object' syndrome where women just drop conversations all the time and move on to the next shiny object they get a message from the next day.
I ran an experiment with online dating when I was using it a lot (hey, I'm a scientist...). I sent 100 'qualified' messages to 100 girls I was at least moderately attracted to, and didn't worry about other stuff in their profile that would be disqualifies even. A qualified message is at least 2-3 sentences long, giving a compliment, and highlighting commonalities or interest we share, then asking a question to encourage conversation. Of those 100 messages:
- 38 responses
- 17 lasted past 1 or 2 messages
- 9 lasted past a couple days of messaging
- 3 led to exchanging phone numbers
- I went on 2 disappointing dates.
This took months and constant effort to check online and message people back promptly before they got shiny object syndrome. I've also got to figure I've got a 1 up on your average guy... Good job, house, car, athletic, and have a bunch of hobbies. None the less, failure... Thus, it's also why guys online usually just try to hookup. There's a HIGHER SUCCESS RATE for putting in ZERO EFFORT other than 'hey wanna hook up?'
After that I disappointment, I of course had to run the experiment the other way... I sent out around 50 'hey, wanna hook up?' messages and got a 75% return message rate (as opposed to HALF that sending a 'qualified' message). Half of those responses were 'no, blah blah blah' but even of those 'no's' it led to conversations that led to potential meetings! After this experiment it's baffling to me that people still 'try' with online dating. It's a joke and is goin to fail once ever guy realizes they'll have better odds saying 'wanna hook up?' and women will not get the pedestal treatment they get put on anymore online since all guys just wanna hook up (as a result of their previous shiny object syndrome).

I read the first paragraph And if it's headed where I think it was headed, here's a guide to what to look for to get about the best realistic possibility in dating American or Americanized women.
Last edited by: mcallister3200 on Aug 10, 2017
speaking of eharmony though, somebody clued me in to observing just how creepy the guy is who founded it - he likes to show up in the commercials.
So I started paying attention and, yeah, that guy is creepy. That he might be some perv is easy to believe.
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!” She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder
Just saw the commercial, with a wide angle shot, she is a little bit fuller figured than I had assumed. Her butt is twice as big as his, guess you can say mystery solved. I still the think the dude is a little too dainty and feminine looking for her.

speaking of eharmony though, somebody clued me in to observing just how creepy the guy is who founded it - he likes to show up in the commercials.
So I started paying attention and, yeah, that guy is creepy. That he might be some perv is easy to believe.

Eharmony Commercial Come Find Me Free

I'm not sure I see it. Very dorky and fos, is what I think. EHarmony was on Adam Ruins everything, short story, they make stuff up and they mislead people in commercials. The whole site is just fiction, really just a sales presentation, cannot be proven to be anything special or better than any other site.
Follow me:

...And when you are single and in your mid-30s you have to accept baggage in a companion or have to have alot of money...

I suppose this is the main deal breaker for me. I'm never going to 'settle' for someone who can't offer a relationship the same things that I can. I have no problem with some baggage, but I won't date someone with kids, smoker, or someone I don't find rather attractive. I'm quite happy and at peace with my life though and actually think that if I never get in a serious relationship again, I'd be okay with that. Got my house and my dog, what more could a guy need? (p.s. not saying I wouldn't go out with some girls just to go out and have fun... the thirst always wins).
Quote: AxelWolf

...Have you been successful with Grinder, Romes?

You just wish I was on there, as you frantically search for my profile every day I bet.

Usually, the best dating recommendation you can get is if you know the friend of the female you want to date...

Yeah, I've thought of this too. Though most of my friends are married and their friends are married or spoken for. There's very little cross-over leading to them having a single friend that I'm attracted to enough to date and risk my main friendship =P. Kind of a 'don't poop where you eat' sort of thing. Again though, I'm not against it, just haven't had the best luck with that in the past as they usually have some form of 'baggage' as mentioned above.
Quote: FleaStiff

Eharmony Commercial Come Find Me Baby

...Or The Divine Miss M who met a man in a Vegas bar, married him within two weeks at some wedding chappel and has been with him for decades.

Yeah, but I'd LOVE to know the odds on someone getting married in less than 3 months of meeting someone and how that works out. I'd imagine 90%+ of the time it doesn't not work out.

I read the first paragraph And if it's headed where I think it was headed, here's a guide to what to look for to get about the best realistic possibility in dating American or Americanized women.

There's a 3rd dimensional axis to the graph not shown here though... baggage. Say I find a girl that is in the marriage zone... Not too crazy and what I consider to be hot. Quite often, she'll come with red flag baggage, such as kids... which might be find for some (to each their own) but it's just definitely not what I'm looking for.
Playing it correctly means you've already won.
Romes, sometimes kids makes a woman playable that would otherwise be unplayable. It's difficult to believe, Ive tried and it's scary. If you can be serious about them, if you think they're worth being serious about, it's worth it. If you're just taking advantage of a lonely milf, they're probably going to get pregnant again with your kid, the same way they did before. They'll tell you a story about how a condom broke, or didn't use one, screwing around with a guy, the same thing you're doing. Those are the women with kids to avoid and those are the women if you're sleeping with, you have to stop immediately.
Thanks for this post from:
Eharmony commercial girl 2020

Usually, the best dating recommendation you can get is if you know the friend of the female you want to date. If she likes you, it's like a golden ticket.

Yep, that is how I met Mrs Q.
Mrs. Q was a friend of a friend of mine at work. I would also add that single girls know other single girls, so the 'pool' is larger and getting an introduction vs a 'cold-call' is extremely helpful.
Might be interesting to see a poll of how you met your wife. One of the other examples I saw in this poll was at church.
Like the castle in its corner In a medieval game; I foresee terrible trouble And I stay here just the same

Eharmony Tv Commercial


Eharmony Commercial Come Find Me Now

Kids are those little evil human people, usually just a few feet tall, right?