Basic Dating Profile

Posted : admin On 6/13/2022
  • A woman's perspective on this dating profile: This guy has a zest for life and is all about positive energy, so much so, that when you read his profile, it puts you in a good mood. He finds a way of standing out by incorporating an anagram in his profile—very witty and original.
  • Dating website eHarmony recently released a list of the most and least 'attractive' words to use in a dating profile, and 'funny' is no longer one of them. The company's data scientists examined more than 12,000 of the most popular dating profiles on its site to determine which words attract the most potential partners.
  1. What To Put For A Dating Profile
  2. Basic Dating Profile Description
  3. Basic Dating Profile Examples
(Last Updated On: 05/23/2015)Dating

Most dating sites, like, offer tons of advice to make the profile writing process smoother. Make use of their blogs, help pages, live chat features, and pop-ups, which will let you know things like your About Me section is too short or your main photo is too dark.

Below is part of a slightly edited great dating profile example written by a woman. I found this profile to stand out from most others, making the writer sound interesting and attractive as a person, rather than ordinary and cliche, like the vast majority of dating profiles seem to appear. Check out my new “Powerful Online Dating Profiles” Guide for a collection of exceptional dating profiles written by women, which can be useful in helping you put your best foot forward in the online dating world, whether you are a guy or a woman.


My Self Summary:

Fact: I don’t kick it with pessimists. Sarcastics? Yep. Pragmatics? Totes. Realists? For real. Straight up Pessimists? No, thank you.
Likes: my dog, laughter, my kindle, honesty, music, curiosity, sprawling vistas, leisurely walks, foodgasms, volleyball, kisses, lattes, road trips, manhattan(the place and the beverage) and anything benedict (except for arnold), and kindness. lots of kindness.
Dislikes: calories, bugs, dishonesty, tomatoes, black licorice (and anything that tastes like it), eye rolls, poor grammar/spelling, tactlessness, juggalos, black coffee, doing dishes, and the price of gas.
I’m on the internet often. I often find myself on long, wandering walks with no destination in mind.
I’m open to short-term dating (because it’s fun), but know that I am dating with an eye for the long term (because it’s more fun).

What I am Doing with My Life:

I spend my (week)days in the sunny Dogpatch of SF working for the man, but I believe in what I do… isn’t that what matters?

I am Really Good At:

What To Put For A Dating Profile

laughing, genuinely, even at the stupid jokes.
cooking, but not doing the dishes.
hugging, and making others feel better.
sleeping, like a rock.
wearing my heart on my sleeve, though sometimes I wish I wasn’t so good at it.
partying, seriously, I plan events and they’re awesome.
solving the puzzles on wheel of fortune, it’s uncanny.
writing amazing resumes and cover letters. fun stuff.

I spend a Lot of Time Thinking About:

how I lived before “archer.”
board games.
do me and my profile match? (i’m told the answer is yes.)
office supplies.
how come you keep lookin’ at my profile but you don’t message me?
the order of my netflix queue.
what to put on my kindle next.
where to go on my next day trip or hike.

Basic dating profile descriptionBasic Dating Profile

Basic Dating Profile Description

You Should Message Me If:

you believe in love and romance (aka you’re a total, fucking hopeless romantic too).
you think that your already-pretty-great life is better when shared with someone, and you’re ready to find that someone now-ish.
you’re as likely (and as happy) to spend Sunday lazying away in bed as you are to be playing games and enjoying the outdoors, but no matter what you do, there will be brunch.
you want to teach me how to sail.
you think it’s more adorable than embarrassing that I love benihana.

Basic Dating Profile Examples

(know that I try to reply to all messages that are thoughtfully written, but I can’t reply to *all* messages, especially those not thoughtfully written.)