About Myself On Dating Site

Posted : admin On 6/14/2022

Apr 16, 2017 Also, online dating has a stigma of men lying about themselves on their profiles. One study found 81% of people lie about something on their dating profile. So, it’s refreshing for women when men are honest about themselves. Now that Zoosk has given you the best words to describe yourself on your dating profile sprinkle a few on your dating. A recent study found three words you can use to describe yourself on dating apps. Using the words in your bio can give you a boost and increase the likelihood women message you. Women find these specific words attractive in men's self-summary sections. The three words you are recommended to use in your bio are: Wine. If you want to use one of these examples for a section of a longer online dating profile on a site like OkCupid, simply move the call-to-action to the end of your profile. That’s the line at the very end that tells her what to do next, i.e. Message you or swipe right. Short Dating Profile Example #10.

About Me Profile On Dating Site

Looking for good online dating profiles to copy? I gotchu, boo, with all the online dating profile inspiration and examples you need.

Here are some great, easy-to-copy dating profile examples & profile photo optimization tips for gents and ladies.

Feel free to mix, match, and edit these dating profile examples as needed to suit your situation.

Dating Profile Example # 1: Three things

An essential rule of thumb when creating your dating profile is to think of yourself as a product.

What are the best keywords to describe what “you” are, and what you’re into? (Ex: An engineer? A creative? An athlete/fitness enthusiast?)

Second, what is the “consumer” getting if they “buy”? (Ex: Your contagious enthusiasm for life? A good listener? Interesting conversation about books? Boozy campfires? Raucous club outings?)

These dating profile examples show that you don’t need to list everything there is to know about you.

Your bio is just an ad, so you want to pique interest, and leave the meaty getting-to-know-you stuff for chats and dates.

List three interesting things about you (interests, hobbies, goals) to make people curious and want to swipe right to find out more.


Astrid, 26
Kava enthusiast. Wannabe climber. Roomba owner.

Jesse, 27
Amateur Lego builder. Terrible cook. Aspiring snowboarder.

Dating Profile Example # 2: “Ask me about…”

Brevity is your friend, friend. A concise one-liner comes across as confident and self assured, like you know what you’re about and have nothing to prove.

Use this short and simple “Ask me about…” template to steer your chat convo toward that one weird interest or fun fact about yourself you’re dying to share.


Taylor, 27
Ask me about my sleight of hand

Jude, 23
Ask me about my cat’s tricks.

Dating Profile Example # 3: Movie quote

Referencing movies or tv shows is a really great way to engage on a dating app. Even though you’re strangers, you’re already connected through this shared social consciousness, so swipers will automatically feel positively towards you.


Heather, 22
I’ll have what she’s having
(When Harry Met Sally quote)

Derek, 25
Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
(Ferris Bueller’s Day Off quote)

About Myself On Dating Site

Dating Profile Example # 4: Greater than/less than

These dating profile examples of the “greater than/less than” template show that you can reveal a lot about your interests and sense of humor without penning a multi-volume autobiography.

Are you always down for a good-natured debate? Rousing convo? This format is a great way to express an unpopular opinion or slightly tease about a topic you know people feel strongly about.


Claudia, 24
Captain America > Thor

Mark, 26
My Sunday roast > your mom’s Sunday roast

Dating Profile Example # 5: Quirky Interest

Got an unusual interest or passion? Your dating profile is the perfect place to reveal this little-known fact.

Sure, maybe not everyone will love that you keep track of your Minecraft progress in a spreadsheet or secretly take salsa lessons, but the people who do respond are already really going to be picking up what you’re putting down.

There’s no sense in hiding your quirkiness or nerdom. You may as well focus on attracting those who will jive with you than going for worldwide mass appeal.


Ferrin, 25
My labelmaker is the single best purchase of my 20s so far.

Rory, 29
I may or may not use the Dewey Decimal System for my home library.

Even the best bio won’t make up for unattractive pics 😕

Dating Site About Me Examples

If your pics don’t look good, your dating profile doesn’t stand a chance at getting much notice, unfortunately.

Pro tip: Before you start swiping, run your dating profile pics through Photofeeler to see how women or men are responding to them.

Dating Myself Meaning

Choosing your profile pics this way has been shown to significantly increase match rates and match quality.

Go to Photofeeler.com now and give it a try!

There aren’t many situations in life where it’s acceptable to talk at length about yourself to random strangers without pause or interjection. And it’s usually even less socially acceptable to start disclosing your life story, what you’re looking for in a life partner, your ideal date, your music taste, and your favorite movies—in rapid succession—to people you don’t know and have never met.

But there is somewhere where this is all totally normal, where talking about yourself is not only appropriate, but encouraged.

Your online dating profile!

It may seem a bit daunting to dive into explaining so much about yourself and your dreams right away, so I’ve put some tips together to help you out.

Here are some important tips on how to write a dating profile that will help you attract the right people and land a date.

Be genuine

The key to writing a good online dating profile is to be specific about who you are. Nobody likes a profile that sounds as if the writer is tailoring his or her personality to what other people want to hear. Those sorts of generic, essentially meaningless profiles are exactly what don’t catch someone’s eye online.

Imagine a profile that says:

I’m a nice caring person with a good heart. I am looking for an honest person who likes to have fun.

Seriously, what does that even mean? Everyone thinks they have a good heart (even some really horrible people). Of course this dater is looking for an honest person. What else would someone be looking for, a compulsive liar? And what is fun precisely? Isn’t the concept of fun different for different people? In the end, this profile says essentially nothing. Sure, it might attract some initial responses, but that does nothing toward helping this dater find a real match or create a real connection with someone.

Here’s a better example from a real online dater from the dating site Zoosk:

My Story
I like literature, critical theory, local music and shows, the Criterion Collection, cooking with ingredients most people have never even heard of, creative writing, Virginia Woolf, 4 Barrel Coffee, Baudrillard, pretending that I don’t love the band Journey, attempting to local my zen state, and sleeping in past noon then having coffee on Sundays.

My Perfect Match
An interesting man who knows who Samuel Beckett is, subscribes to similar periodicals as me, and isn’t too cool to dance at a show. Props if you pretentiously bring up Derrida in social situations.

My Ideal Date
Alcohol and feigned indifference. We go for drinks and alternately act interested and completely aloof. It borders on rudeness. Whatever, it’s what I like.

In the profile above, the datertakes time to lay out her personality. You can see that she has fancy taste in films (Criterion Collection), likes to go to shows, and openly admits that she likes critical theory. Some people won’t relate to her at all, but I like this kind of honesty, because she is obviously not trying to please everyone. She is trying to find people who will like her for who she is.

Ain’t no shame in filtering out the rejects!

I believe that an online dating profile should be an honest portrayal of your personality and act as a filter, nixing out all the unwanteds early on. If you look at the profile above, the writer has no shame in saying exactly what it is she’s looking for; if the man doesn’t read the same level of literature that she does then she isn’t interested. It’s probably a little strange to some people, but at least she’s letting the dating pool know what she wants.

It’s always a smart idea to say exactly what it is you do not want right away on our online dating profile. Being forthright and upfront about your desires is not only a good basic practice, but it also saves you and others precious time and energy to get it out right away instead of later on. If you have deal breakers—like smoking, children, or cats—you should write those down in your profile right away. Otherwise you might be in for a sorry surprise later on. The more specific the better.

Here’s an example from another real online dating profile from Zoosk:

My perfect match is an attractive woman who can keep up with me intellectually and conversationally but who doesn’t do so by being pushy or a bully. I really don’t like mean or intolerant people. Matching political/religious views are a plus, but hardly necessary. I suppose my perfect girl is between 25 and 30 and nice to be around. These are just guidelines though so don’t be afraid to write me.

Write About Myself On Dating Site

I think these sorts of specifics are really smart. Note that he wrote that he wants a girl “between 25 and 30.” In a few short steps, he’s created age filter and he also mentioned that he prefers people who have matching political and religious views (another filter).

About Myself On Dating Site

About Myself In Dating Site

Channel your inner wordsmith

You don’t have to get all Shakespearen on us, but a little oratorical flair never hurts when attracting people to your online dating profile.

I like this excerpt from another profile:

I love thunderstorms but I can’t live without sunshine. I find beauty in almost everything about this incredible world we live in… I like to swing at the park, play in the snow, and stomp in puddles. I love camping but hate freezing at night.

Take some time to write descriptively. You have no idea how far a tiny bit of eloquence can get you in the world of online dating. Do you like hiking? Don’t just say “I like to hike.” Aim just a bit higher and say something like, “I love the serenity of standing atop a huge mountain, watching the horizon expand before me.” Do you like walks on the beach? Say “There’s nothing more beautiful to me than a beach at sunset, where the stars appear bigger and brighter than everywhere else on earth.” Whatever it is that you have to say, use descriptive language to spice it up.

A little charm goes a long way

About me section on dating sites samples

If I had to write a list of things that I, particularly, find un-charming, I’d put offensive language, vulgarity, bad spelling, and bad grammar on the top of the list. And somehow, these things occasionally find their way onto people’s’ online dating profiles—which makes me scratch my head and wonder how on earth this could possibly happen. Why would anyone want to date an offensive, vulgar person who has problems communicating effectively? Why would anyone want to present themselves that way?

Ask yourself, when you edit your online dating profile, “Would I date this person?”

There are some important red flags to avoid—angry rants about previous relationships, overboard negativity about your own life, too much disclosure about money or personal finances—when composing your online dating profile. A good rule in determining what kind of content to avoid is a simple reflection on the power of charm.

What kind of people are charming? Generally, they’re positive, friendly, and humble. Charming people have the undeniable ability to attract others to them. They are, simply put, fun to be around. We know each and every person has the ability to be charming. It isn’t particularly difficult. All it takes is a certain level of mindfulness and a little bit of effort. And charm will go a long way with your fellow daters.

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